Genlayer JS

GenLayerJS SDK Reference

This document describes the key components and methods available in the GenLayerJS SDK for interacting with the GenLayer network.

Client Creation


Creates a new GenLayer client instance.

import { createClient } from 'genlayer-js';
const client = createClient({
  network: simulator,
  account: account, // Optional: Use this account for subsequent calls


  • network: The network configuration (e.g., simulator)
  • account: (Optional) Sets an account to be used in subsequent calls

Returns: A GenLayer client instance

Transaction Handling


Retrieves transaction details by hash.

const transaction = await client.getTransaction({ hash: transactionHash });


  • hash: The transaction hash

Returns: Transaction details object


Waits for a transaction receipt.

const receipt = await client.waitForTransactionReceipt({
  hash: transactionHash,
  status: 'FINALIZED', // or 'ACCEPTED'


  • hash: The transaction hash
  • status: The desired transaction status ('FINALIZED' or 'ACCEPTED')

Returns: Transaction receipt object

Contract Interaction


Reads data from a deployed contract.

const result = await client.readContract({
  address: contractAddress,
  functionName: 'get_complete_storage',
  args: [],


  • address: The contract address
  • functionName: The name of the function to call
  • args: An array of arguments for the function call

Returns: The result of the contract function call


Writes data to a deployed contract.

const transactionHash = await client.writeContract({
  address: contractAddress,
  functionName: 'storeData',
  args: ['new_data'],
  value: 0, // Optional: amount of native token to send with the transaction


  • address: The contract address
  • functionName: The name of the function to call
  • args: An array of arguments for the function call
  • value: (Optional) Amount of native token to send with the transaction

Returns: The transaction hash

Account Management


Generates a new private key.

import { generatePrivateKey } from 'genlayer-js';
const privateKey = generatePrivateKey();

Parameters: None

Returns: A new private key as string


Creates a new account, optionally using a provided private key.

import { createAccount } from 'genlayer-js';
const account = createAccount();
// Or with a specific private key:
const accountWithKey = createAccount('0x1234...'); // Replace with actual private key


  • accountPrivateKey: (Optional) A string representing the private key

Returns: A new account object

Chain Information


Provides configuration for the GenLayer simulator network.

import { simulator } from 'genlayer-js/chains';

Usage: Used when creating a client to specify the network