Intelligent Contract Class

Defining the Intelligent Contract Class

An Intelligent Contract in GenLayer is defined using a Python class that inherits from IContract. This ensures your contract integrates smoothly with the GenVM environment, providing the necessary properties and behaviors for execution.


Inheriting from IContract is mandatory for all Intelligent Contracts in GenLayer to ensure proper integration and functionality.

import json
from genvm.base.icontract import IContract
from genvm.base.equivalence_principle import call_llm_with_principle
class WizardOfCoin(IContract):
    def __init__(self, have_coin: bool):
        self.have_coin = have_coin

In this example code above, the WizardOfCoin class inherits from IContract. This class serves as the foundation for the Intelligent Contract, equipping it with the necessary structure and capabilities to function within the GenVM environment.